Diabetes and quality of life
General Objective: To study relevant psychological variables in people with

María Teresa Anarte Ortiz
Universidad de Málaga. Facultad de Psicología. IBIMA.
Campus Universitario de Teatinos s/n, 29071 Málaga. Spain.
Teléfono: +34-952 13 29 94.
Ongoing and finished grants in the last five years
Telemedicine, psychology and diabetes: in search of the technobiopsychosocial link
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dra. Dña. Maria Teresa Anarte Ortiz (Universidad de Málaga).
TIME: 2012-2014
BUDGET: 45,980€
FINANCIADO POR: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Plan Nacional I+D+i 2011 (PSI2011-27820).

Randomized crossover clinical trial in patients with type 1 diabetes under treatment with continuous subcutaneous insulin infuser to evaluate the impact of telemedicine versus conventional clinical practice. Comprehensive Clinical Impact and Costs.
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Dª. Mª Soledad Ruiz de Adana Navas (Hospital Universitario Carlos Haya de Málaga. Servicio de Endocrinología y Nutrición)
TIME: 2012-2015
BUDGET: 40,133€
FINANCIADO POR: Servicio Andaluz de Salud (PI-0923-2012)

Development of an online tool for treatment of depression in type 1 diabetes Universidad de Málaga.
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Dª. María Teresa Anarte Ortiz (Universidad de Málaga).
TIME: 2015 – 2016
BUDGET: 3,000€
FINANCIADO POR: Proyecto Puente de la Universidad de Málaga

Efficacy assessment of an online tool for treatment of depression in type 1 diabetes
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Dª. María Teresa Anarte Ortiz (Universidad de Málaga).
TIME: 2018 – 2019
BUDGET: 6,000€
FINANCIADO POR: Proyecto Puente (B.5). Universidad de Málaga.

Relevant publications
Available Techniques
-ICTs applied to health: Design and application of a new online tool for the
treatment of depression in patients with type 1 diabetes
-Psychometric analysis
-Cost-effectiveness analysis of ICTs applied to diabetes https://biopsicosocialdiabetes.com/