Type 2 Diabetes
Research Lines:
Summary of Research:
Underlying cellular processes leading to hyperglycemia are defective insulin
secretion and insulin resistance in target tissues. Emerging evidence suggest
that obesity-related inflammation (meta-inflammation) is a key factor involved in these alterations. Interestingly, cannabinoids and related compounds as well as polyphenols from EVOO display anti-inflammatory actions. Hence, we aim at better understand the role of these receptors in meta-inflammation and beta-cell failure during type 2 diabetes onset and to assess new cannabinoid- and
EVOO-based pharmacological and nutritional approaches in order to design
innovative treatments that improve health outcomes in daily clinical practice.

Fco. Javier Bermúdez-Silva
UGC Endocrinología y Nutrición. IBIMA.
Laboratorio de Investigación-Hormonas
Plaza del Hospital Civil s/n, Pabellón 2, sótano 29009, Malaga (Spain)
Ongoing and finished grants in the last five years
Study of polyphenols and terpenoids from extra virgin olive oil for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes. Capacity of these compounds to modulate cannabinoid receptors.
INVESTIGADOR PRINCIPAL: Francisco Javier Bermúdez Silva
DURACIÓN: 2018-2020 PRESUPUESTO: 141,570€
FINANCIADO POR: FIS (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)

Beneficial actions of polyphenols from Extra Virgin Olive Oil in pancreatic islets and their potential in preventing type 2 diabetes.
INVESTIGADOR PRINCIPAL: Francisco Javier Bermúdez Silva
DURACIÓN: 2017-2019 PRESUPUESTO: 52,445€
FINANCIADO POR: Servicio Andaluz de Salud

Targeting the Endocannabinoid System within Islets of Langerhans to Protect against Immune Destruction (DIRECtA)
INVESTIGADOR PRINCIPAL: Francisco Javier Bermúdez Silva
DURACIÓN: 2018-2019 PRESUPUESTO: 158,121.60€

Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant protection of pancreatic islets in type 2 diabetes. Synergism with pharmacological approaches boosting insulin secretion.
INVESTIGADOR PRINCIPAL: Francisco Javier Bermúdez Silva
DURACIÓN: 2014-2016 PRESUPUESTO: 115,555€
FINANCIADO POR: FIS (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)

Functional impact of synthetic cannabinoids in beta-cell proliferation in pancreatic islets. Putative applications in diabetes.
INVESTIGADOR PRINCIPAL: Silvana Yanina Romero Zerbo
DURACIÓN: 2013-2015 PRESUPUESTO: 31,327€
FINANCIADO POR: Consejería de Salud Junta de Andalucía

Relevant Publications
Available Techniques
– Metabolic assessment of the effects of drugs and food supplements in animal models of obesity, pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes
– Analysis of inflammatory and oxidative processes in animal models
– Mouse models for the study of the cannabinoid type 1 receptor (CB1R): Global CB1R knockout mice and inducible beta cell-specific CB1R knockout mice (MIP-Cre CNR1 LoxP/LoxP )
– Isolation of mouse islets of Langerhans and ex vivo experiments in human and mouse isolated islets (insulin and glucagon secretion, viability, apoptosis, proliferation)
– In vitro experiments in beta cell lines (MIN-6)
– Protein expression by Immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry,
immunofluorescence and Western Blot
– Quantification of gene expression by RT qPCR
– Quantification of hormones and cytokines by ELISA and multiplex assays in serum/plasma and cell/tissue extracts
– Nutritional Intervention clinical trials